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Researching at the Library: Basics

Research tips, resources, basics, and links to course-specific research guides.

Introduction: Researching

This guide contains a short introduction to doing research, and specifically doing research at the Pescosolido Library (PeskyLibrary) of The Governor’s Academy. 

Online Help for Writing

The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) has a lot of help on writing, researching, grammar, and citation style. English as Second Language (ESL) resources can also be found at the Purdue OWL site.

Note that OWL also has help on creating a thesis statement for your paper.

Database Off-Site Access

Database Passwords for Off-Campus Access Use this link to access usernames and passwords if you are not on campus and cannot connect to a database directly. You must use your Govs Google account to access this document.


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Importance of Recharging

The Western world is increasingly a knowledge economy. Everyone is now expected to be able to work independently and to consider various ethical issues with accessing and using information. There are more and more gadgets and applications to grab our attention. However, our brains need rest and sleep in order to remember and learn. In the midst of our hectic lives, it is extremely important to also give ourselves time to recharge.

Disconnect. Relax. Think deeply. Hug a friend.

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